links and resources : websites


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Mandala Artist Links:We no longer provide links to indivdual artists, and suggest visiting Clare Goodwin's site, as she has done such a terrific job listing the many wonderful mandala artist sites.

Clare Goodwin's Mandala Page
Great Mandala Links! Clare has painstakingly created the most comprehensive list of mandala references available, not to mention beautiful mandalas.
(Note: Clare's mandala artwork appears in Mandala: Journey to the Center)

Mandala Connections
Monique Mandali's mandala art, coloring books, "The Peace Mandala Project" and a mandala gift store.
(Note: Monique's mandala artwork appears in Mandala: Journey to the Center)

Dr. Judith Cornell
Dr. Cornell is the author of two classic mandala books: Mandala: Luminous Symbols for Healing, and Drawing the Light from Within. Her website is dedicated to healing body, mind, and spirit, based on her original methods for applying the sacred art of the mandala and the spiritual science of light and sacred sound.

Circle of Inspiration
A site created for, and dedicated to, the families and friends of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Submit a mandala dedicated to 9/11.

Crea Bea's Encaustic Art
Crea works with children to make mandalas using the encaustic art method. (Holland)

Crysalis Project
The mandalas in the Chrysalis Project are an invitation for the viewer to contemplate the beauty in the world.

Creative Process Class: Dr. Betty Scott
Dr. Scott teaches a class at the University of MO using mandala.

Exploring the Mandala
Ben Trumbore's page describing the mandala and the animated mandala video he created with Pema Losang Chogyen.

French Mandala Site
A mandala site in French (France)

Mandala Information by Jytte Hansen
Nice graphics and explanations of the mandala.

Mandala Zone
A gallery of mandalas with interesting articles in the "archive" section.

Monday's Mom's Mandala Page
A beautiful meditation mandala complete with music.

The Mandala Collection
An online collection of mandala-inspired gifts and tools for the "inward journey."

The World Mandala
The World Mandala is a unique, multi-facetted artwork / modern mandala created by the artist Peter Rosson. It is a picture made from 256 identical parts, 158 of these parts are collaged material that can come from many different sources.

The 3 Dimensional Mandala of Vajrayogini
A virtual reality project by Miya Shimada which graphically displays the Tibetan Buddhist traditions of the mental construction (meditation) of the mandala.

Tibetan Sand Mandala
Explanation and fotos of the intricate Tibetan sand mandala during construction.

The Labyrinth Society (TLS)
Home page for TLS with great explanations of labyrinths, instructions on how to create them as well as a forum for questions.

Lessons for Living: Labyrinths
Dan Johnston's site has a good explanation of labyrinths, resources and locations. Other interesting goodies too.

The Sacred Labyrinth Walk
Georgiana Lofty, presents Labyrinth walks and workshops to churches, schools, colleges, retreat groups and organizations.

Earth Symbols
A wonderful site by Joan Champion with great labyrinth photos and products.

Grace Cathedral on-line labyrinth... walk a labyrinth on-line! Wonderful music... a very well-done project.

The Labyrinth at Grace Cathedral
This site has a great tour of the cathedral and a video by Reverend Dr. Lauren Artress.

SCIENCE & MATH (back to TOP)

Timeless Wisdom
Timeless Wisdom is the homepage of Michael Sneider, author of"A Beginner's Guide To Constructing The Universe: The Mathematical Archetypes Of Nature, Art and Science" (HarperPerennial 1995). Michael has a terrific way of integrating nature, science, art, mythology and math to help us develop new perceptions of our world. His book is a great resource for both educators and those interested in seeing the sacred concepts which are represented in "philosophical geometry."

The Patterns website is a fantastic resource for math and art teachers. It contains the full curriculum for a class taught by two inspired math teachers, Pippa Drew and Dorothy Wallace, at Dartmouth College. Their class integrates math and art in a way that any non-mathmatical student could enjoy.

Native American Sacred Geometry
This site (designed by Chris Hardaker) is especially for 4th-9th graders, their teachers, and their parents to rekindle an interest in math. The site is also designed to counter the threat currently posed to art programs throughout the countr offering evidence that we, as a culture, have been misguided in our belief that science and art are necessarily opposed.


The California Institute of Integral Studies
The California Institute of Integral Studies is an accredited institution of higher learning and research that strives to embody spirit, intellect, and wisdom in service to individuals, communities, and the Earth.